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Councel  (hourly rate all taxes included ): 90 €

OPINION OF VALUE (depending on the surface and including a fully detailed report)

  • Lower than 60 sq²  : 100 €

  • From 61 sq² à 100 sq² : 150 €

  • From 101 sq² to 160 sq² : 200 €

  • >161 sq² : €250

SELL (fees charged to the seller)

  • de 0 à 30.000 € : 3,000 €

  • > 30,000 € to 50,000 € : 5,000 €

  • > 50,000 € to 100,000 € : 7%

  • >100 000 € : 5 %


Rental management fees(all taxes included)

  • Apartment/house: 7%

  • Garage : 10%

  • Storage : 7,80 %

Rental fees (all taxes included to the lessor)

Visit of the lessee, constitution of the file, drafting of the leases according to the surface area of the accommodation

  • Non-tense area : 8 €/sq²

  • Tense area: 10 €/sq²

to 40 sq² to 60 sq² : €8.5/sq²

to 60 sq² to 90 sq² : €7/sq²

> 90 sq² : 6 € /sq²

  • Very tenses area : 12 €/sq²

Inventory fees (all taxes included to the lessee and the lessor) : €3/m²

Drafting a rental contract(all taxes included to the lessor without looking for a tenant): 125 €

Drafting of an inventory (all taxes included to the lessee and the lessor) :

  • Studio/1BR/2BR/3BR : 90 €

  • 4BR and more : 110 €

Property income : 30 €

Drafting of the commercial lease : 3% all taxes included


Rental management fees : 22% all taxes included payable by the tenant (tourist taxes not included)

Administrative fees payable by the tenant


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